
Build with Python 3.10
Название Категория Описание
rope dev-python Python refactoring library
ropemode dev-python A helper for using rope refactoring library in IDEs
ROPgadget dev-util Search for gadgets in binaries to facilitate your ROP exploitation
roundup www-apps Issue-tracking system with command-line, web, and e-mail interfaces
routes dev-python A re-implementation of Rails routes system, mapping URLs to Controllers/Actions
routino sci-geosciences Routing application based on openstreetmap data
rpds-py dev-python Python bindings to Rust's persistent data structures (rpds)
rpi-eeprom dev-embedded Updater for Raspberry Pi 4 bootloader and the VL805 USB controller
rpl app-text Intelligent recursive search/replace utility
rply dev-python Pure python parser generator that also works with RPython
rpy dev-python Python interface to the R Programming Language
rpyc dev-python Remote Python Call (RPyC), a transparent and symmetric RPC library
rq dev-python Simple, lightweight library for creating and processing background jobs
rsa dev-python Pure-Python RSA implementation
rss2email net-mail A python script that converts RSS/Atom newsfeeds to email
rst-linker dev-python Sphinx plugin to add links and timestamps to the changelog
rtimulib dev-python Python Binding for RTIMULib, a versatile IMU library
rtree sci-libs R-Tree spatial index for Python GIS
rtslib-fb dev-python A Python object API for managing the Linux LIO kernel target
ruamel-std-pathlib dev-python Ruamel enhancements to pathlib and pathlib2

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