
Build with Python 3.10
Название Категория Описание
pytest-testinfra dev-python Write unit tests in Python to test actual state of your servers
pytest-timeout dev-python pytest plugin to abort hanging tests
pytest-tornado dev-python Fixtures and markers to simplify testing of asynchronous tornado applications
pytest-tornasync dev-python Pytest plugin for testing Python 3.5+ Tornado code
pytest-trio dev-python This is a pytest plugin to help you test projects that use Trio
pytest-twisted dev-python A pytest plugin for testing Twisted framework consumers
pytest-verbose-parametrize dev-python More descriptive parametrized-test IDs for py.test
pytest-virtualenv dev-python Virtualenv fixture for py.test
pytest-xdist dev-python Distributed testing and loop-on-failing modes
pytest-xprocess dev-python Manage external processes across test runs
pytest-xvfb dev-python Pytest plugin to run Xvfb for tests
python3-discogs-client dev-python Continuation of the official Python API client for Discogs
python3-lxc dev-python Python bindings for LXC
python3-saml dev-python OneLogin's SAML Python Toolkit
python3-xapp dev-python Python bindings for x11-libs/xapp
python-augeas dev-python Python bindings for Augeas
python-axolotl dev-python A python module for the axolotl protocol
python-axolotl-curve25519 dev-python A python wrapper for the curve25519 library with ed25519 signatures
python-box dev-python Python dictionaries with advanced dot notation access
python-bugzilla dev-python A python module for interacting with Bugzilla over XMLRPC

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