
Build with Python 3.10
Название Категория Описание
ply dev-python Python Lex-Yacc library
plyr dev-python A python wrapper for Glyr
plyvel dev-python Python interface to LevelDB
pmw dev-python Toolkit for building high-level compound Python widgets using the Tkinter module
pocketlint dev-python Shared code for running pylint against rhinstaller projects
pockets dev-python Collection of helpful Python tools
podcastparser dev-python Podcast parser for the gpodder client
podman dev-python A library to interact with a Podman server
poetry dev-python A frontend for poetry - a python dependency management and packaging tool
poetry-core dev-python Poetry PEP 517 Build Backend
poetry-plugin-export dev-python A plugin that allows the export of locked packages to various formats
poezio net-im Console XMPP client that looks like most famous IRC clients
polib dev-python A library to manipulate gettext files (.po and .mo files)
policycoreutils sys-apps SELinux core utilities
pooch dev-python Manage your Python library's sample data files
portage sys-apps The package management and distribution system for Gentoo
portend dev-python TCP port monitoring utilities
portpeek app-portage A helper program for maintaining the package.keyword and package.unmask files
powerline app-shells The ultimate statusline/prompt utility
poyo dev-python A lightweight YAML Parser for Python

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