
Build with Python 3.10
Название Категория Описание
paperwork-backend app-text Backend part of Paperwork (Python API, no UI)
parallax dev-python Execute commands and copy files over SSH to multiple machines at once
parameterized dev-python Parameterized testing with any Python test framework
paramiko dev-python SSH2 protocol library
ParmEd sci-chemistry Parameter and topology file editor and molecular mechanical simulator engine
parse dev-python Parse strings using a specification based on the Python format() syntax
parsedatetime dev-python Parse human-readable date/time strings
parse_type dev-python Extension to the parse module
parso dev-python A python parser that supports error recovery and round-trip parsing
partd dev-python Appendable key-value storage
parver dev-python Parse and manipulate version numbers
passlib dev-python Password hashing framework supporting over 20 schemes
paste dev-python Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack
pastedeploy dev-python Load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers
pastel dev-python Bring colors to your terminal
patatt dev-python A simple library to add cryptographic attestation to patches sent via email
patch-ng dev-python Library to parse and apply unified diffs, fork of dev-python/patch
path dev-python A module wrapper for os.path
pathable dev-python Object-oriented paths
path-and-address dev-python Functions for server CLI applications used by humans

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