
Build with Python 3.10
Название Категория Описание
htail net-misc Tail over HTTP
html2text dev-python Turn HTML into equivalent Markdown-structured text
html5lib dev-python HTML parser based on the HTML5 specification
html5-parser dev-python Fast C based HTML 5 parsing for python
htmlmin app-text A configurable HTML Minifier with safety features
HTSeq sci-biology Python support for SAM/BAM/Bowtie/FASTA/Q/GFF/GTF files
httmock dev-python A mocking library for requests
httpauth dev-python A WSGI middleware that secures routes using HTTP Digest Authentication
httpbin dev-python HTTP Request and Response Service
httpcore dev-python A minimal low-level HTTP client
httpie net-misc Modern command line HTTP client
httplib2 dev-python A comprehensive HTTP client library
httpretty dev-python HTTP client mock for Python
httpstat net-misc httpstat visualizes cURL statistics in a way of beauty and clarity
httpx dev-python Fully-featured HTTP client which provides sync and async APIs
httpx-socks dev-python Proxy (HTTP, SOCKS) transports for httpx
huawei-lte-api dev-python API For huawei LAN/WAN LTE Modems
huggingface_hub sci-libs a client library to interact with the Hugging Face Hub
humanfriendly dev-python Human friendly output for text interfaces using Python
humanize dev-python Common humanization utilities

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