
Build with Python 3.10
Название Категория Описание
dominate dev-python Library for creating and manipulating HTML documents using an elegant DOM API
dot2tex dev-tex Graphviz to LaTeX converter
doublex dev-python Python test doubles
doublex-expects dev-python Expects matchers for Doublex test doubles assertions
downloader-cli net-misc Simple downloader with an customizable progressbar
dropbox-cli net-misc Cli interface for dropbox (python), part of nautilus-dropbox
dstat sys-apps Versatile replacement for vmstat, iostat and ifstat
dtrx app-arch Do The Right eXtraction - extracts archives of different formats
dulwich dev-python Pure-Python implementation of the Git file formats and protocols
dunshire sci-mathematics Python library to solve linear games over symmetric cones
duplicity app-backup Secure backup system using gnupg to encrypt data
e3-core dev-ada Ease the development of portable automated build systems
e3-testsuite dev-ada Generic testsuite framework in Python
easyprocess dev-python Easy to use Python subprocess interface
easy-thumbnails dev-python Easy thumbnails for Django
ebuildtester dev-util A dockerized approach to test a Gentoo package within a clean stage3 container
ecdsa dev-python ECDSA cryptographic signature library in pure Python
eclean-kernel app-admin Remove outdated built kernels
editables dev-python A Python library for creating 'editable wheels'
editorconfig-core-py dev-python Clone of EditorConfig core written in Python

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