
Build for Python 3.11 only
Название Категория Описание
autojump app-shells change directory command that learns
avahi net-dns System which facilitates service discovery on a local network
avidemux-plugins media-libs Plugins for the video editor media-video/avidemux
backintime app-backup Backup system inspired by TimeVault and FlyBack
bcftools sci-biology Utilities for variant calling and manipulating VCF and BCF files
beets media-sound Media library management system for obsessive-compulsive music geeks
bleachbit sys-apps Clean junk to free disk space and to maintain privacy
blender media-gfx 3D Creation/Animation/Publishing System
bliss-initramfs sys-kernel Boot your system's rootfs from Encrypted/OpenZFS
bluefish app-editors GTK HTML editor for the experienced web designer or programmer
blueman net-wireless Simple and intuitive GTK+ Bluetooth Manager
blueprint-compiler dev-util Compiler for Blueprint, a markup language for GTK user interfaces
bluez net-wireless Bluetooth Tools and System Daemons for Linux
boolector sci-mathematics Fast SMT solver for bit-vectors, arrays and uninterpreted functions
bootchart2 app-benchmarks Performance analysis and visualization of the system boot process
borgmatic app-backup Automatically create, prune and verify backups with borgbackup
bowtie sci-biology Popular short read aligner for Next-generation sequencing data
brainworkshop games-puzzle Short-term-memory training N-Back game
breezy dev-vcs Distributed Version Control System with a Friendly UI
brython dev-python Python 3 implementation for client-side web programming

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