
Add support for software performance analysis (will likely vary from ebuild to ebuild)
Название Категория Описание
missingh dev-haskell Large utility library
mmap dev-haskell Memory mapped files for POSIX and Windows
mmorph dev-haskell Monad morphisms
mockery dev-haskell Support functions for automated testing
monad-control dev-haskell Lift control operations, like exception catching, through monad transformers
monad-logger dev-haskell A class of monads which can log messages
monad-loops dev-haskell Monadic loops
monad-par dev-haskell A library for parallel programming based on a monad
monad-par-extras dev-haskell Combinators and extra features for Par monads
monads-tf dev-haskell Monad classes, using type families
mono-traversable dev-haskell Type classes for mapping, folding, and traversing monomorphic containers
mountpoints dev-haskell list mount points
mtl dev-haskell Monad classes, using functional dependencies
mwc-random dev-haskell Fast, high quality pseudo random number generation
nanospec dev-haskell A lightweight implementation of a subset of Hspec's API
nats dev-haskell Natural numbers
ncurses sys-libs Console display library
netlink dev-haskell Netlink communication for Haskell
network dev-haskell Low-level networking interface
network-bsd dev-haskell Network.BSD

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