
Enable ocamlopt support (ocaml native code compiler) -- Produces faster programs (Warning: you have to disable/enable it at a global scale)
Название Категория Описание
opam-solver dev-ml opam solver
opam-state dev-ml opam state libraries
ordering dev-ml Element ordering
orpie sci-calculators A fullscreen RPN calculator for the console
ounit2 dev-ml Unit testing framework for OCaml
parmap dev-ml Library to exploit multicore architectures for OCaml programs
parsexp dev-ml S-expression parsing library
patdiff dev-util Colored patience diffs with word-level refinement
patience_diff dev-ml Tool and library implementing patience diff
pcre-ocaml dev-ml Perl Compatibility Regular Expressions for O'Caml
pp dev-ml Pretty-printing library
pprint dev-ml A pretty-printing combinator library and rendering engine
ppx_assert dev-ml Assert-like extension nodes that raise useful errors on failure
ppx_base dev-ml Base set of ppx rewriters
ppx_bench dev-ml Syntax extension for writing in-line benchmarks in ocaml code
ppx_bin_prot dev-ml Generation of bin_prot readers and writers from types
ppx_blob dev-ml Include a file as a string at compile time
ppx_cold dev-ml Expands [@cold] into [@inline never][@specialise never][@local never]
ppx_compare dev-ml Generation of comparison functions from types
ppx_custom_printf dev-ml Printf-style format-strings for user-defined string conversion

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