
Enable ocamlopt support (ocaml native code compiler) -- Produces faster programs (Warning: you have to disable/enable it at a global scale)
Название Категория Описание
lablgtk dev-ml OCaml bindings to GTK-3
lablgtk-sourceview dev-ml OCaml bindings to GTK-3
labltk dev-ml OCaml interface to the Tcl/Tk GUI framework
lambda-term dev-ml Terminal manipulation library for OCaml
ledit app-misc A line editor to be used with interactive commands
llpp app-text Graphical PDF viewer which aims to superficially resemble less(1)
logs dev-ml Logging infrastructure for OCaml
luv dev-ml Binding to libuv: cross-platform asynchronous I/O
lwt dev-ml Cooperative light-weight thread library for OCaml
lwt_log dev-ml Cooperative light-weight thread library for OCaml
lwt_ssl dev-ml GLib integration for Lwt
markup dev-ml Error-recovering streaming HTML5 and XML parsers
mccs dev-ml Multi Criteria CUDF Solver
memtrace dev-ml Streaming client for OCaml's Memprof
menhir dev-ml LR(1) parser generator for the OCaml language
merlin dev-ml Context sensitive completion for OCaml in Vim and Emacs
merlin-extend dev-ml SDK to extend Merlin
mew dev-ml General modal editing engine generator
mew_vi dev-ml A vi-like modal editing engine generator
mirage-clock dev-ml Portable clock implementation for Unix and Xen

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