
Add Native Language Support (using gettext - GNU locale utilities)
Название Категория Описание
gtkballs games-puzzle An entertaining game based on the old DOS game lines
gtk-gnutella net-p2p A GTK+ Gnutella client
gtklp net-print A GUI for cupsd
gtypist app-misc Universal typing tutor
guifications x11-plugins Guifications is a graphical notification plugin for pidgin
guile dev-scheme GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions
guitarix media-sound Virtual guitar amplifier for Linux
gutenprint net-print Ghostscript and cups printer drivers
gvim app-editors GUI version of the Vim text editor
gwaei app-dicts Japanese-English Dictionary for GNOME
gwyddion sci-visualization Framework for Scanning Mode Microscopy data analysis
hddtemp app-admin A simple utility to read the temperature of SMART capable hard drives
hello app-misc GNU "Hello, world" application
help2man sys-apps GNU utility to convert program --help output to a man page
heroes games-action Heroes Enjoy Riding Over Empty Slabs: similar to Tron and Nibbles
herrie media-sound Herrie is a command line music player
hunspell app-text Spell checker, morphological analyzer library and command-line tool
ibus app-i18n Intelligent Input Bus for Linux / Unix OS
ibus-anthy app-i18n Japanese Anthy engine for IBus
ibus-cangjie app-i18n Chinese Cangjie and Quick engines for IBus

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