
Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally
Name Category Description
pacparser net-libs Library to parse proxy auto-config files
paho-mqtt-c net-libs An Eclipse Paho C client library for MQTT for Windows, Linux and MacOS.
paint dev-ruby Terminal painter
pairing_heap dev-ruby Performant priority queue with support for changing priority
pam_dotfile sys-auth pam module to allow password-storing in $HOME/dotfiles
pandas dev-python Powerful data structures for data analysis and statistics
pandoc app-text Conversion between markup formats
pandoc-lua-marshal dev-haskell Use pandoc types in Lua
pandoc-types dev-haskell Types for representing a structured document
pantomime gnustep-libs Set of Objective-C classes that model a mail system
parallel dev-ruby Run any code in parallel Processes or Threads
parallel dev-haskell Parallel programming library
parallel-io dev-haskell Combinators for executing IO actions in parallel on a thread pool
paramesan dev-ruby Parameterized tests in Ruby
parapin dev-embedded A parallel port pin programming library
paraview sci-visualization Powerful scientific data visualization application
pari sci-mathematics Computer-aided number theory C library and tools
parmetis sci-libs Parallel (MPI) unstructured graph partitioning library
parrot dev-lang Virtual machine designed to compile and execute bytecode for dynamic languages
parsec dev-haskell Monadic parser combinators

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