
Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally
Название Категория Описание
subversion dev-vcs Advanced version control system
sudsds dev-python Lightweight SOAP client - Czech NIC labs fork
suil media-libs Lightweight C library for loading and wrapping LV2 plugin UIs
suite3270 net-misc Complete 3270 (S390) access package
suitesparse sci-libs Metapackage for a suite of sparse matrix tools
sundials sci-libs Suite of nonlinear solvers
superlu sci-libs Sparse LU factorization library
superlu_mt sci-libs Multithreaded sparse LU factorization library
supervise-scripts sys-process Starting and stopping daemontools managed services
supervisor app-admin A system for controlling process state under UNIX
sus dev-ruby A fast and scalable test runner
sus-fixtures-async dev-ruby Convenient fixture for testing async components in a reactor
swagger_spec_validator dev-python Validate Swagger specs against Swagger 1.1 or 2.0 specification
swarp sci-astronomy Resample and coadd astronomical FITS images
swig dev-lang Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator
swing-layout dev-java Professional cross platform layouts with Swing
swingx dev-java A collection of powerful, useful, and just plain fun Swing components
swingx-beaninfo dev-java SwingX Beaninfo
swingx-ws dev-java Utilities and widgets to integrate Swing GUIs with web applications
swi-prolog dev-lang Versatile implementation of the Prolog programming language

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