Add support for X11
Название Категория Описание
embassy-cbstools sci-biology EMBOSS integrated version of Applications from the CBS group
embassy-clustalomega sci-biology EMBOSS integrated version of Clustal Omega - Multiple Sequence Alignment
embassy-domainatrix sci-biology EMBOSS integrated version of Protein domain analysis add-on package
embassy-domalign sci-biology EMBOSS integrated version of Protein domain alignment add-on package
embassy-domsearch sci-biology EMBOSS integrated version of Protein domain search add-on package
embassy-emnu sci-biology EMBOSS integrated version of Simple menu of EMBOSS applications
embassy-esim4 sci-biology EMBOSS integrated version of sim4 - Alignment of cDNA and genomic DNA
embassy-hmmer sci-biology EMBOSS integrated version of HMMER wrapper - sequence analysis with profile HMMs
embassy-iprscan sci-biology EMBOSS integrated version of InterProScan motif detection add-on package
embassy-mse sci-biology EMBOSS integrated version of MSE - Multiple Sequence Screen Editor
embassy-phylipnew sci-biology EMBOSS integrated version of The Phylogeny Inference Package
embassy-signature sci-biology EMBOSS integrated version of Protein signature add-on package
embassy-structure sci-biology EMBOSS integrated version of Protein structure add-on package
embassy-topo sci-biology EMBOSS integrated version of Transmembrane protein display
embassy-vienna sci-biology EMBOSS integrated version of Vienna RNA package - RNA folding
emboss sci-biology The European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite - A sequence analysis package
eom media-gfx The MATE image viewer
essays1743 media-fonts John Stracke's Essays 1743 font
eventd net-misc A small daemon to act on remote or local events
exact-image media-gfx A fast, modern and generic image processing library

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