Сравнение tessdata_legacy-4.0.0 с tessdata_legacy-4.1.0

/usr/portage/app-text/tessdata_legacy/tessdata_legacy-4.1.0.ebuild 2023-10-09 14:52:28.896368335 +0300
# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors
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# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
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KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sparc ~x86"
KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~sparc ~x86"
17 17
IUSE="math osd"
18 18

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# List of supported Gentoo linguas and their upstream mapping
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# "old" variants were regrouped in the matching modern locale
LANGUAGES="af:afr am:amh ar:ara as:asm az:aze,aze_cyrl be:bel bg:bul bn:ben bo:bod br:bre bs:bos ca:cat ceb chr co:cos cs:ces cy:cym da:dan de:deu,frk dv:div dz:dzo el:ell,grc en:enm eo:epo es:spa,spa_old et:est eu:eus fa:fas fi:fin fil fo:fao fr:fra,frm fy:fry ga:gle gd:gla gl:glg gu:guj he:heb hi:hin hr:hrv ht:hat hu:hun hy:hye id:ind is:isl it:ita,ita_old iu:iku ja:jpn,jpn_vert jv:jav ka:kat,kat_old kk:kaz km:khm kn:kan ko:kor,kor_vert ku:kur,kur_ara ky:kir la:lat lb:ltz lo:lao lt:lit lv:lav mi:mri mk:mkd ml:mal mn:mon mr:mar ms:msa mt:mlt my:mya ne:nep nl:nld no:nor oc:oci or:ori pa:pan pl:pol ps:pus pt:por qu:que ro:ron ru:rus sa:san sd:snd si:sin sk:slk sl:slv sq:sqi sr:srp,srp_latn su:sun sv:swe sw:swa syc:syr ta:tam te:tel tg:tgk th:tha ti:tir tl:tgl to:ton tr:tur tt:tat ug:uig uk:ukr ur:urd uz:uzb,uzb_cyrl vi:vie yi:yid yo:yor zh:chi_sim,chi_sim_vert,chi_tra,chi_tra_vert"
LANGUAGES="af:afr am:amh ar:ara as:asm az:aze,aze_cyrl be:bel bg:bul bn:ben bo:bod br:bre bs:bos ca:cat ceb chr co:cos cs:ces cy:cym da:dan de:deu,frk dv:div dz:dzo el:ell,grc en:enm eo:epo es:spa,spa_old et:est eu:eus fa:fas fi:fin fil fo:fao fr:fra,frm fy:fry ga:gle gd:gla gl:glg gu:guj he:heb hi:hin hr:hrv ht:hat hu:hun hy:hye id:ind is:isl it:ita,ita_old iu:iku ja:jpn,jpn_vert jv:jav ka:kat,kat_old kk:kaz km:khm kn:kan ko:kor,kor_vert ku:kmr ky:kir la:lat lb:ltz lo:lao lt:lit lv:lav mi:mri mk:mkd ml:mal mn:mon mr:mar ms:msa mt:mlt my:mya ne:nep nl:nld no:nor oc:oci or:ori pa:pan pl:pol ps:pus pt:por qu:que ro:ron ru:rus sa:san sd:snd si:sin sk:slk sl:slv sq:sqi sr:srp,srp_latn su:sun sv:swe sw:swa syc:syr ta:tam te:tel tg:tgk th:tha ti:tir tl:tgl to:ton tr:tur tt:tat ug:uig uk:ukr ur:urd uz:uzb,uzb_cyrl vi:vie yi:yid yo:yor zh:chi_sim,chi_sim_vert,chi_tra,chi_tra_vert"
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# Fraktur data files (not installed):
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#	dan_frak - Danish
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#	deu_frak - German