Bug #709

key combinations with AltGr not working

Добавил(а) Wolfgang Pirker больше 9 лет назад.

Статус:New Начата:27.12.2014
Приоритет:Normal Дата выполнения:
Назначена:- Готовность в %:


Категория:Calculate Linux Desktop Затраченное время: -
Голоса: 0


On standard German keyboard layouts some symbols such as @, {, [ ,\ can only be typed, when holding the AltGr key. After installation it is not possible to type these characters with such keyboards (even when choosing the right keymap de-latin1). It seems AltGr is completely ignored.

After removing the "grp:switch" XkbOption in /etc/xorg/xorg.conf.d/keyboard.conf, this issue is gone for me.

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