Bug #368

cl-assemble --source stage fails to find hardened stage3 tarballs in /var/calculate/remote/stages

Добавил(а) Anthony Basile почти 13 года назад. Обновлено почти 13 года назад.

Статус:Closed Начата:04.10.2011
Приоритет:Normal Дата выполнения:
Назначена:Mikhail Hiretsky Готовность в %:


Категория:Calculate Utilities Затраченное время: -
Голоса: 0


stage3 hardened tarballs are named as follows:


but cl-assemble expects to see tarballs named as follows:


and so fails with a message that no stage was found. I think the code responsible is in class DistributiveRepository, def getBestStage. There

reStage = re.compile(r'^.*/stage3-%s-(\d+)\.tar\.bz2$'%march,re.S)

does not match the hardened stage because %s-(\d+)\.tar says the "amd64" cannot be followed by -hardened. Maybe change this to

reStage = re.compile(r'^./stage3-%s(hardened)(\d+)\.tar\.bz2$'%march,re.S)

I tested and it works for both.

There is also a problem in cl_fill_assemble.py, the line which reads:

elif re.match(r'.*/stage\d-[]\d.tar.(bz2|gz|lzma|7z)$',image):

This matches only without hardened because stage\d-[^]\d says that after "stage3-" but before the "-20110929", you cannot have another - but amd64-hardened does have a dash.


Обновлено Mikhail Hiretsky почти 13 года назад

  • Параметр Статус изменился с New на Resolved

Resolved in sys-apps//calculate-assemble-2.2.24-r1 and sys-apps/calculate-install-2.2.24-r8.

Обновлено Mikhail Hiretsky почти 13 года назад

  • Параметр Статус изменился с Resolved на Closed

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