Feature #152

Root password during the installation

Добавил(а) Ievgenii Volynets около 14 лет назад. Обновлено больше 13 лет назад.

Статус:Closed Начата:21.04.2010
Приоритет:Low Дата выполнения:
Назначена:- Готовность в %:


Категория:Calculate Linux Desktop Затраченное время: -
Голоса: 0


During the installation one should set password of the root account.
If the password too short or simple an error arises, password is not changed and installation continues.
Of course one can guess that the old password is 'root' but it is desirable to give one more chance to set root password.


Обновлено Alexander Tratsevskiy больше 13 лет назад

  • Параметр Статус изменился с New на Closed

Now in the graphical installer, you can set a password

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