GLSA 200804-21: Adobe Flash Player: Multiple vulnerabilities

Заголовок:Adobe Flash Player: Multiple vulnerabilities
Ошибки: #204344


Multiple vulnerabilities have been identified, the worst of which allow arbitrary code execution on a user's system via a malicious Flash file.


The Adobe Flash Player is a renderer for the popular SWF file format, which is commonly used to provide interactive websites, digital experiences and mobile content.

Уязвимые пакеты

Пакет Уязвимый Нетронутый Архитектура(ы)
www-plugins/adobe-flash < >= All supported architectures


Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Adobe Flash:

  • Secunia Research and Zero Day Initiative reported a boundary error related to DeclareFunction2 Actionscript tags in SWF files (CVE-2007-6019).
  • The ISS X-Force and the Zero Day Initiative reported an unspecified input validation error that might lead to a buffer overflow (CVE-2007-0071).
  • Microsoft, UBsecure and JPCERT/CC reported that cross-domain policy files are not checked before sending HTTP headers to another domain (CVE-2008-1654) and that it does not sufficiently restrict the interpretation and usage of cross-domain policy files (CVE-2007-6243).
  • The Stanford University and Ernst and Young's Advanced Security Center reported that Flash does not pin DNS hostnames to a single IP addresses, allowing for DNS rebinding attacks (CVE-2007-5275, CVE-2008-1655).
  • The Google Security Team and Minded Security Multiple reported multiple cross-site scripting vulnerabilities when passing input to Flash functions (CVE-2007-6637).


A remote attacker could entice a user to open a specially crafted file (usually in a web browser), possibly leading to the execution of arbitrary code with the privileges of the user running the Adobe Flash Player. The attacker could also cause a user's machine to send HTTP requests to other hosts, establish TCP sessions with arbitrary hosts, bypass the security sandbox model, or conduct Cross-Site Scripting and Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks.


There is no known workaround at this time.


All Adobe Flash Player users should upgrade to the latest version:

    # emerge --sync
    # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=www-plugins/adobe-flash-"



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