GLSA 200507-14: Mozilla Firefox: Multiple vulnerabilities

Заголовок:Mozilla Firefox: Multiple vulnerabilities
Ошибки: #95199


Several vulnerabilities in Mozilla Firefox allow attacks ranging from execution of script code with elevated privileges to information leak.


Mozilla Firefox is the next-generation web browser from the Mozilla project.

Уязвимые пакеты

Пакет Уязвимый Нетронутый Архитектура(ы)
www-client/mozilla-firefox < 1.0.5 >= 1.0.5 All supported architectures
www-client/mozilla-firefox-bin < 1.0.5 >= 1.0.5 All supported architectures


The following vulnerabilities were found and fixed in Mozilla Firefox:

  • "moz_bug_r_a4" and "shutdown" discovered that Firefox was improperly cloning base objects (MFSA 2005-56).
  • Michael Krax reported that Firefox was not correctly handling JavaScript URLs from external applications (MFSA 2005-53), and that the "Set as wallpaper" function in versions 1.0.3 and 1.0.4 could be abused to load JavaScript (MFSA 2005-47).
  • Several researchers reported ways to trick Firefox into accepting events generated by web content (MFSA 2005-45).
  • Kohei Yoshino discovered a new way to inject script from the sidebar panel using data: (MFSA 2005-49).
  • "moz_bug_r_a4" reported that Firefox failed to validate XHTML DOM nodes properly (MFSA 2005-55), and that XBL scripts ran even when Javascript is disabled (MFSA 2005-46).
  • "shutdown" discovered a possibly exploitable crash in InstallVersion.compareTo (MFSA 2005-50).
  • Finally, Secunia discovered that a child frame can call top.focus() even if the framing page comes from a different origin and has overridden the focus() routine (MFSA 2005-52), and that the frame injection spoofing bug fixed in 1.0.2 was mistakenly reintroduced in 1.0.3 and 1.0.4 (MFSA 2005-51).


A remote attacker could craft malicious web pages that would leverage these issues to inject and execute arbitrary script code with elevated privileges, steal cookies or other information from web pages, or spoof content.


There are no known workarounds for all the issues at this time.


All Mozilla Firefox users should upgrade to the latest version:

    # emerge --sync
    # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=www-client/mozilla-firefox-1.0.5"

All Mozilla Firefox binary users should upgrade to the latest version:

# emerge --sync # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=www-client/mozilla-firefox-bin-1.0.5"



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