GLSA 200412-14: PHP: Multiple vulnerabilities

Заголовок:PHP: Multiple vulnerabilities
Ошибки: #74547


Several vulnerabilities were found and fixed in PHP, ranging from an information leak and a safe_mode restriction bypass to a potential remote execution of arbitrary code.


PHP is a general-purpose scripting language widely used to develop web-based applications. It can run inside a web server using the mod_php module or the CGI version of PHP, or can run stand-alone in a CLI.

Уязвимые пакеты

Пакет Уязвимый Нетронутый Архитектура(ы)
dev-php/php < 4.3.10 >= 4.3.10 All supported architectures
dev-php/mod_php < 4.3.10 >= 4.3.10 All supported architectures
dev-php/php-cgi < 4.3.10 >= 4.3.10 All supported architectures


Stefan Esser and Marcus Boerger reported several different issues in the unserialize() function, including serious exploitable bugs in the way it handles negative references (CAN-2004-1019).

Stefan Esser also discovered that the pack() and unpack() functions are subject to integer overflows that can lead to a heap buffer overflow and a heap information leak. Finally, he found that the way multithreaded PHP handles safe_mode_exec_dir restrictions can be bypassed, and that various path truncation issues also allow to bypass path and safe_mode restrictions.

Ilia Alshanetsky found a stack overflow issue in the exif_read_data() function (CAN-2004-1065). Finally, Daniel Fabian found that addslashes and magic_quotes_gpc do not properly escape null characters and that magic_quotes_gpc contains a bug that could lead to one level directory traversal.


These issues could be exploited by a remote attacker to retrieve web server heap information, bypass safe_mode or path restrictions and potentially execute arbitrary code with the rights of the web server running a PHP application.


There is no known workaround at this time.


All PHP users should upgrade to the latest version:

    # emerge --sync
    # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=dev-php/php-4.3.10"

All mod_php users should upgrade to the latest version:

# emerge --sync # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=dev-php/mod_php-4.3.10"

All php-cgi users should upgrade to the latest version:

# emerge --sync # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=dev-php/php-cgi-4.3.10"



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