
Название Категория Описание
blender media-gfx 3D Creation/Animation/Publishing System
boinc sci-misc The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing
caffe2 sci-libs A deep learning framework
cholmod sci-libs Sparse Cholesky factorization and update/downdate library
clblast sci-libs Tuned OpenCL BLAS
dealii sci-libs Solving partial differential equations with the finite element method
dlib sci-libs Numerical and networking C++ library
eigen dev-cpp C++ template library for linear algebra
espresso sci-physics Extensible Simulation Package for Research on Soft matter
ffmpeg media-video Complete solution to record/convert/stream audio and video. Includes libavcodec
flann sci-libs Fast approximate nearest neighbor searches in high dimensional spaces
ginkgo sci-libs Numerical linear algebra software package
gloo sci-libs library of floating-point neural network inference operators
gromacs sci-chemistry The ultimate molecular dynamics simulation package
hwloc sys-apps Displays the hardware topology in convenient formats
lammps sci-physics Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
libdynd dev-libs C++ dynamic multi-dimensionnal array library with Python exposure
libfabric sys-block The Open Fabrics Interfaces (OFI) framework
libflatarray dev-libs Struct of arrays library with object oriented interface for C++
libgeodecomp sci-libs An auto-parallelizing library to speed up computer simulations

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