Calculate Linux family has recently received one more distro - Calculate Linux Container (CLC). It is created specially to be installed in a LXC/LXD container.
Before installing it, please, update the system:
Below you can find an example of creating LXC container with setting up OpenRC using DHCP server in a local network.
Install required packages
To work with LXC containers you need the package app-emulation/lxc
emerge app-emulation/lxc
Install the system in the container
To install Calculate Linux Container you should run following command:
lxc-create -n calculate -t download -- --server --no-validate
nname you assign to the container -
tinitialisation scenario - -
servermirror (list of available mirrors) - -
no-validatedon’t check gpg signature
The download scenario will show a list of available images and ask to select distro “CLC” (in capital letters), its release and architecture.
Then the program will download an image and install it. All installed containers are located in the directory /var/calculate/lxc
Network setup
To setup a network in LXC container you need to setup a network bridge. An example of settings for OpenRC in the file /etc/conf.d/net
You should also delete a symbolic link /etc/init.d/net.eth0
and create a new one /etc/init.d/net.br0
/etc/init.d/net.eth0 stop
rm -f /etc/init.d/net.eth0
ln -s /etc/init.d/net.lo /etc/init.d/net.br0
/etc/init.d/net.br0 start
Then you need to make network settings of the container in the file /var/calculate/lxc/calculate/config
# network type, veth if you use a bridge = veth
# startup network interface during the boot = up
# interface name inside the container = eth0
# bridge name for a virtual interface = br0
# name of the network adaptor for this container on a host machine = veth-calculate
# random MAC address for the network interface of the container (first digit must be even) = 02:03:04:05:06:07
Start the container
You can start the container with the following command:
lxc-start -n calculate
Open the container console:
lxc-attach -n calculate
After that you can enable a network:
/etc/init.d/net.eth0 start
rc-update add net.eth0 default
To leave you can either enter ‘exit’ or press Ctrl+d.
To add the container to the autostart:
ln -sf /etc/init.d/lxc /etc/init.d/lxc.calculate
rc-update add lxc.calculate default
Mount resources
Please, notice that the path must already exist in the system.
To mount /home
you should edit the container settings file /var/calculate/lxc/calculate/config
by adding a following string:
lxc.mount.entry = /home home none rw,bind 0.0