
Add Native Language Support (using gettext - GNU locale utilities)
Название Категория Описание
caja-dropbox mate-extra Store, Sync and Share Files Online
caja-extensions mate-extra Several Caja extensions
cannonsmash games-simulation 3D tabletennis game
cdrtools app-cdr A set of tools for CD/DVD reading and recording, including cdrecord
ceferino games-arcade Super-Pang clone (destroy bouncing balloons with your grapnel)
celestia sci-astronomy OpenGL 3D space simulator
centerim net-im Ncurses ICQ/Yahoo!/AIM/IRC/MSN/Jabber/GaduGadu/RSS/LiveJournal client
cflow dev-util C function call hierarchy analyzer
c++-gtk-utils x11-libs A number of classes and functions for programming GTK+ programs using C++
chemtool sci-chemistry A GTK program for drawing organic molecules
cherrytree app-text A hierarchical note taking application (C++ version)
cinnamon gnome-extra A fork of GNOME Shell with layout similar to GNOME 2
clamtk app-antivirus A graphical front-end for ClamAV
claws-mail mail-client An email client (and news reader) based on GTK+
confuse dev-libs a configuration file parser library
coreutils sys-apps Standard GNU utilities (chmod, cp, dd, ls, sort, tr, head, wc, who,...)
courier mail-mta An MTA designed specifically for maildirs
cpio app-arch A file archival tool which can also read and write tar files
cppi dev-util a cpp directive indenter
cpupower sys-power Shows and sets processor power related values

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