
Build and install gtk-doc based developer documentation for dev-util/devhelp, IDE and offline use
Название Категория Описание
gnome-software gnome-extra Gnome install & update software
gobject-introspection dev-libs Introspection system for GObject-based libraries
gom dev-libs GObject to SQLite object mapper library
grilo media-libs A framework for easy media discovery and browsing
gsound media-libs Thin GObject wrapper around the libcanberra sound event library
gssdp net-libs GObject-based API for handling resource discovery and announcement over SSDP
gst-transcoder media-plugins GStreamer Transcoding API
gtk+ x11-libs Gimp ToolKit +
gtk-layer-shell gui-libs Library to create desktop components for Wayland using the Layer Shell protocol
gtkmm dev-cpp C++ interface for GTK+
gtksourceview x11-libs A text widget implementing syntax highlighting and other features
gtksourceview gui-libs A text widget implementing syntax highlighting and other features
gtranslator app-text GNOME Translation Editor
gucharmap gnome-extra Unicode character map viewer and library
gupnp net-libs An object-oriented framework for creating UPnP devs and control points
gupnp-av net-libs Utility library aiming to ease the handling UPnP A/V profiles
gupnp-dlna media-libs Library providing DLNA-related functionality for MediaServers
gupnp-igd net-libs Library to handle UPnP IGD port mapping for GUPnP
json-glib dev-libs Library providing GLib serialization and deserialization for the JSON format
jsonrpc-glib dev-libs JSON-RPC library for GLib

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