
Название Категория Описание
clutter media-libs Clutter is a library for creating graphical user interfaces
gst-plugins-bad media-libs Less plugins for GStreamer
gst-plugins-base media-libs Basepack of plugins for gstreamer
gst-plugins-gtk media-plugins Video sink plugin for GStreamer that renders to a GtkWidget
gst-plugins-vaapi media-plugins Hardware accelerated video decoding through VA-API plugin for GStreamer
libepoxy media-libs Library for handling OpenGL function pointer management
libva-compat media-libs Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux
mpv media-video Media player for the command line
ogre dev-games Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
openscad media-gfx The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller
openscenegraph dev-games Open source high performance 3D graphics toolkit
openscenegraph-openmw dev-games OpenMW-specific fork of OpenSceneGraph
qtgui dev-qt The GUI module and platform plugins for the Qt5 framework
waffle media-libs Library that allows selection of GL API and of window system at runtime
