
Add support for client-side URL transfer library
Название Категория Описание
mediainfo media-video MediaInfo supplies technical and tag information about media files
minetest games-action A free open-source voxel game engine with easy modding and game creation
moc media-sound Music On Console - ncurses interface for playing audio files
monitoring-plugins net-analyzer 50+ standard plugins for Icinga, Naemon, Nagios, Shinken, Sensu
mpd media-sound The Music Player Daemon (mpd)
muon dev-util A meson-compatible build system
nagios-plugins-linux-madrisan net-analyzer Additional and alternative Nagios plugins for Linux
nbdkit sys-block NBD server with stable plugin ABI and permissive license
nextcloud www-apps Personal cloud that runs on your own server
octave sci-mathematics High-level interactive language for numerical computations
openscenegraph dev-games Open source high performance 3D graphics toolkit
openscenegraph-openmw dev-games OpenMW-specific fork of OpenSceneGraph
osslsigncode app-crypt Platform-independent tool for Authenticode signing of EXE/CAB files
ostree dev-util Operating system and container binary deployment and upgrades
owncloud www-apps Web-based storage application where all your data is under your own control
oxine media-video OSD frontend for Xine
PEAR-HTTP_Request2 dev-php Provides an easy way to perform HTTP requests
pecl-oauth dev-php OAuth is an authorization protocol built on top of HTTP
php dev-lang The PHP language runtime engine
polybar x11-misc A fast and easy-to-use tool for creating status bars

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