
Add support for CUPS (Common Unix Printing System)
Название Категория Описание
icedtea-bin dev-java A Gentoo-made binary build of the IcedTea JDK
kdeutils-meta kde-apps kdeutils - merge this to pull in all kdeutils-derived packages
libreoffice app-office A full office productivity suite
lyx app-office WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean) document processor based on LaTeX
mtink net-print mtink is a status monitor and inkjet cartridge changer for some Epson printers
netdata net-analyzer Linux real time system monitoring, done right!
openjdk dev-java Open source implementation of the Java programming language
openjdk-bin dev-java Prebuilt Java JDK binaries provided by Eclipse Temurin
openjdk-jre-bin dev-java Prebuilt Java JRE binaries provided by Eclipse Temurin
oyranos media-libs Colour management system allowing to share settings across apps and services
qpdfview app-text A tabbed document viewer
qtbase dev-qt Cross-platform application development framework
qtprintsupport dev-qt Printing support library for the Qt5 framework
remmina net-misc A GTK+ RDP, SPICE, VNC and SSH client
samba net-fs Samba Suite Version 4
sqlitestudio dev-db Powerful cross-platform SQLite database manager
wine-staging app-emulation Free implementation of Windows(tm) on Unix, with Wine-Staging patchset
wine-vanilla app-emulation Free implementation of Windows(tm) on Unix, without external patchsets
xpdf app-text The PDF viewer and tools
xpra x11-wm X Persistent Remote Apps (xpra) and Partitioning WM (parti) based on wimpiggy

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